MELAKA: The white and polka dot jerseys may be out of reach now but that has not hampered Nur Aiman Rosli’s desire to make an impact at the ongoing Petronas Le Tour de Langkawi (LTdL).

The Malaysia national team rider was part of a three-man breakaway that included Terengganu Polygon Cycling Team’s Jambaljamts Sainbayar and Roojai Online Insurance’s Polychronis Tzortzakis in the sixth stage from Karak to Bandar Hilir, Melaka, today.

Aiman did well to finish first, second and third at the intermediate sprints in Kuala Pilah, Batu Kikir and Pelangai.

He is currently 33rd in the general classification standings, nine minutes and 19 seconds adrift of green jersey holder Simon Carr (EF Education-EasyPost).

Aiman admitted that he had heavy legs after yesterday’s hors categorie climb up to Genting Highlands.

He crossed the line 16th today in the same group as stage winner Arvid de Kleijn (Tudor Pro Cycling Team).

“It was quite tough in the beginning but after pushing myself for some time I started to get into a rhythm,” said the 24-year-old.

“With the gap in the GC now being too large, the plan was always to get away from the peloton and try collect whatever points possible.

“The plan for tomorrow is the same, I will try and join the breakaway and also help my teammates in the sprint.

“The start (stage seven) will be at my hometown in Muar and I hope all the fans from Muar, Tangkak and nearby areas will come out and support us.”

Malaysian sprinters Izzat Hilmi Abdul Halil, Zulhelmi Zainal (both national team) and Harrif Saleh (TSG) all placed out of the top-100 in the sixth stage.

After yesterday’s tough climb, they decided to reserve their energy for the final two stages.

The seventh stage tomorrow will start in Muar and end in Seremban Two covering a total distance of 123.8km with sprint points on offer at Umbai, Cheng and Linggi.